Longmire does Romance Novels (humorous parodies)

I “stumbledupon” this site today and it just hit me funny so I had to share it with you!  Here are two of the re-imagined book covers in Longmire’s collective satirical look at romance novels. I would consider him a master at re-imagining concepts and readers who enjoy a little wordplay now and then will likely enjoy his other collections as well including: 
Rejected Wheel of Fortune Puzzles – See some word puzzles that never made to TV! You’ll never watch Wheel of Fortune the same way again! 
Longmire does Romance Novels – Romance Novel cover titles rewritten the way they oughtta be. After all, love stinks, right?  
Change One Letter – Changing one letter of the wording on signs, buildings, whatever, to totally ruin them. 
Planet of the Apes…funkified! – I’ve taken the classic sci-fi film and turned it upside down, inside out, slapped it in the face and stuck gum to the bottom of its shoe. Three chapters are ready so far.